Create Your Account!
Hi! You are on this page so that you can create a MailHawk account. MailHawk will help your WordPress emails reach the inbox!
Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions before signing up? See the list below to see if it answers your question.
If you can't find the answer you are looking for, contact us!
MailHawk is an SMTP plugin and service All-In-One! This means you don’t need SendGrid, AWS, MailGun, or any of those other services. With MailHawk you just need one plugin, one fee!
If you are sending lots of email from your site like notifications, receipts, password reset emails and more, you need to have MailHawk on your site to ensure the safe delivery of those critical messages.
MailHawk is a WordPress email delivery service specialized in delivering WordPress email. So you must have a WordPress site. You must also have an active MailHawk subscription.
MailHawk is it’s own email delivery service, meaning you do not need to sign up for an additional SMTP.
No, actually it will speed it up! Because MailHawk uses new REST API protocols to deliver your email your site will load faster and demad fewer resources!
Not at this time, we are WordPress email delivery experts and are solely dedicated to ensuring email sent by WordPress reaches the inbox.
Yes, however at this time you must connect each sub-site to the service individually.
Adding network wide support for whole networks is something we plan on adding in the future.
Yes, we have processes in place for residents of European countries to opt out of the MailHawk service.
Yes, by switching to MailHawk, a service dedicated to ensuring the safe delivery of WordPress emails, you will instantly see superior delivery rates to the inbox.